Frequently asked questions.


> Limitations when accessing educational resources

Limited time. Lack of feedback & valuation. 


- Short term:

Facilitate the search and dissemination of Educational Resources through Social Networks.

- In the medium term:

Enable quick search of specific asynchronous resources among the many educational resources available online through a directory and search engine among a repository of suggestions based on keywords and specific fields (author, type of resource, subjects, topics, levels, courses, duration, etc.).

- Long-term. Facilitate collaboration between all those interested in the educational world, valuing everyone's contributions in a positive way. Job Search/HR. Congresses, research communications, Awards, WikiBooks, MultiProjects, etc. Facilitate its integration as an intranet LMS (Learning Management System) /CMS (Content Management System) for educational centers for free. Auto-correctors, rubrics and student evaluations. Also enable specific premium developments and training that allow the sustainability of the platform and its expansion.

Students, families, schools, teachers and other education professionals. In #EduPlat everyone can find resources, collaborate and be valued. See more details at EduPlat.org/users

Yes, there are many platforms that solve some of the needs, but we have not found any that integrates all of them. We have done a very extensive study on it. A summary of the conclusions can be seen here: eduplat.org/others

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