
& Action plan

Stage 1

Foundation. 2013-2019

During these 6 years we carried out research from a team of educators to assess the needs of users and available services.

Stage 2

Backend and networking launch (2020-2022)

2.1 Launch by Collaboration with the Government of Aragon,, and other organizations.

2.2 Prototype base launch in social networks.

2.3 Launch of communication channels.

2.4 Events for promotion: Awards and Educational Resources Fair.

Stage 3

International Networking (2021-2023)

3.0 Application for participation as a European project on 3-11-2021.
3.1 Launch of the European project EduPlat-EU1, co-financed by the European Union.
3.2 Development of International Conferences to facilitate the transfer of Educational Resources and innovative practices in teaching.
3.3 Development of templates for the publication of Educational Resources.
3.4 Development of prototypes for the platform.

Stage 4

Front End Launch (2023-2024)

4.1 Improved prototype release.

Depending on the possibilities of the team formed and especially on the availability, skills and interests in programming and web development of the people, we consider several options:

A Use of a platform based on google workspace. Advantages: relative simplicity of installation. Disadvantages: difficulty in adapting to the needs and dependency on a private entity.

B Use of a platform created from scratch in PHP/ SQL or derivatives/ similar. Advantages: maximum flexibility and adaptation. Disadvantages: maximum programming effort and  duration.

C Use of a platform created with a CMS such as Joomla or WordPress to use existing programming. Advantages: relative simplicity of installation and the possibility of using existing plugins and/or modifying or creating others. Disadvantages: difficulty to adapt.

D Use of a platform created with MediaWiki (from Wikimedia, creators of Wikipedia). MediaWiki works with PHP 7.2.9 or higher and with MariaDB (an improved replacement for MySQL).

E Other options to consider.

F Maintain the use of a platform based on the RRSS.

4.2 Maintenance of the dissemination via social media.

4.3 Development of the prize program

4.4 Educational Resources Fair. (At regional, national and international level).

4.5 Adaptations to the base / plugins to allow user and resource registration as well as a search engine that includes evaluation by other users. Other features will be optional at this stage.

4.6 Generation of advanced content and platform testing, feedback.

4.7 Future prototype planning.

Stages 5+

Sustainable development and research

EduPlat has been designed to be sustainable and to generate growth. It is scalable from a very small community of users (e.g. a school) to the entire global educational community.

One of the characteristics of is that it is associated with research: Leadership and motivation for collaboration in educational RRSS. This research feeds into the platform (feedback) and at the same time makes it more effective (feedforward). We are awaiting positive results in the funding request for this research.

Now it is possible to enter the team of collaborators
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